NCLOSE has been working with several enclosure product manufacturers to evolve and produce new products and accessories. This is informed by project experiences, building science, constructability, and cost.
Since Installation Instructions have a powerful voice in how systems are installed and detailed, this effort helps Manufacturers, Installers, Contractors, and Design Professionals to understand clearly what is required in which sequence with what qualities, clarifying what is done by the factory and what is to be coordinated. These are invaluable tools to the industry.
product / system SPECIFICATIONS
Leveraging 30 years of enclosure experience, writing or updating specifications for product manfuacturers has allowed numerous coordination points to be clarified and making these tools more useful for Architects.
Creating well though out details that have highly evolved simplisitc graphics has helped enclosure product manufacturers illustrate their preferred staring point detailing paradigms to Design Professionals, Contractors, and Owners.